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Statistics - Most visited web pages |
This section shows the 10 most visited pages of the Peecker Sound website. You can click on the links below to “jump” immediately to the desired page.
# | Page | Viewings | % viewings of this page out of total number of viewings | Average time spent on the page | 1 | /en/home | 1580 | 57,36% | 00:00:48 | 2 | /en/sound-reinforcement | 1125 | 15,36% | 00:02:18 | 3 | /en/news | 954 | 12,36% | 00:00:22 | 4 | /en/UpturnedT-series | 889 | 9,50% | 00:00:45 | 5 | /en/Forty/4015MH-4015MH-A | 881 | 8,06% | 00:03:15 | 6 | /en/PSDSP-amplifiers | 633 | 6,11% | 00:02:00 | 7 | /en/Double-Array-series | 446 | 5,36% | 00:00:35 | 8 | /en/support | 354 | 3,44% | 00:01:08 | 9 | /en/acoustic-research | 212 | 3,15% | 00:02:00 | 10 | /en/giorgio-napolitano-at-Valli-theatre | 144 | 2,20% | 00:01:48 |